Good morning, everybody. I’m Toru Matsumoto, Principal of Riseisha High School. How are you, today? Winter in Japan is very cold. So I was worried about your health. But I felt relieved when I saw your singing and dancing during cultural exchange, yesterday. Your national costumes were beautiful and very cute. And I was impressed of your nice performance. I’m sure you practiced very hard. Thank you so much. How was your four days at Riseisha? I’m very happy if you enjoyed it. In fact, this was the first international exchange experience for the Riseisha students. So I’m sure they also had a very exciting four days. I hope this will be the beginning of the friendship between Santa Ursula Jakarta High School and Riseisha. I also hope our friendship will continue and deepen. As proof of our friendship, I will present each of you with a certificate of completion. Please accept it. So see you later.